1908 Baker Ridge RD
Sherman, TX 75090
ph: 9038169319
Would you like to have bee hives on your property, but you do not want to take care of them? Then we have your solution. You buy the bee hives from us then we take care of the bees. At the end of the honey season, we split the honey with you. You may even qualify for an agricultural exemption if you own at least 5 acres.
Question #1: What is the cost of the the Concierge Beekeeping Service?
Answer: It depends on your location:
Grayson County: $750/hive with a 2 hive minimum
Counties adjacent to Grayson County: $800/hive with a 2 hive minimu
Other counties: contact us for price
Question #2: What does this include?
Answer: It includes a begining beehive (nuc), a beehive box and service for 5 years.
Question #3: Will I own the beehives?
Answer: You own the bees and the beehives.
Question #4: Can I learn beekeeping if I am a concierge client?
Answer: The beehives belong to you. You are welcome to participate or to take over hive maintenance at any time.
Question #5: What if I move or decide that I no longer would like to keep bees?
Answer: We can either buy back the beehives or relocate them for a fee.
Question #6: Will I qualify for an agricultural tax exemption?
Answer: In Grayson County you might be eligible for a agricultural property tax exemption if you own at least 5 acres. Contact us for more information.
Also, you can read the agricultural exemption guidelines at http://www.graysonappraisal.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/GraysonGuidelines-AS-OF-8-2013.pdf or contact the Grayson Central Appraisal Office for more details.
Question #7: Is it dangerous to have beehives on my property? What if someone is allergic?
Answer: It is not advisable to keep bees on your property if someone in your household or one of your neighbors is allergic to bees. Honey bees are not usually aggressive unless they are threatened. However, it is always possible to be stung by a bee whether there is a hive on your property or within a 3 mile radius.
Still have questions? Please contact us anytime! We look forward to hearing from you.
Copyright 2017 Mence Farms. All rights reserved.
1908 Baker Ridge RD
Sherman, TX 75090
ph: 9038169319